Announcing neXpert, a performance-tuning Fiddler add-on
neXpert is an add-on to Fiddler which aids in performance testing web applications. neXpert was created to reduce the time it takes to look for performance issues with Fiddler and to create a deliverable that can be used to educate development teams.
neXpert includes the following features:
+ Add step markers while capturing traffic to demarcate steps or clicks in a scenario
+ Add easy access buttons for performance testing with Fiddler
+ Ping each host in a capture to calculate current latency
+ Create rudimentary response time predictions for different latencies and browsers (BETA)
+ Create a HTML report which checks for performance issues with the following:
HTTP Response Code, ASP.NET View State, Static Files, Large Images, Compression, Authentication, ETags, Cache Headers, Connection Header, Vary header, Cookies
Learn more here:
neXpert includes the following features:
+ Add step markers while capturing traffic to demarcate steps or clicks in a scenario
+ Add easy access buttons for performance testing with Fiddler
+ Ping each host in a capture to calculate current latency
+ Create rudimentary response time predictions for different latencies and browsers (BETA)
+ Create a HTML report which checks for performance issues with the following:
HTTP Response Code, ASP.NET View State, Static Files, Large Images, Compression, Authentication, ETags, Cache Headers, Connection Header, Vary header, Cookies
Learn more here: