New Fiddler Alpha
I don't usually ask for broad testing of Alpha builds, but I've made some pretty major changes to Fiddler's client connection reuse and HTTPS-related features, so I'd love for anyone who can help to take a look at it and let me know if I broke anything before I ship this as a beta version.
// ChangeList v2.2.8.3
// -= ADDITIONS =-
// Restore last active View tab after restart
// Added (primitive) COLS ADD command to QuickExec
// -= FIXES =-
// Fix unmarking session results in white background even if KnownColor.Window != White
// Remove legacy polling behavior for connection reuse
// Fix FiddlerHook to detach hook on last window exit
// Major refactor to handling of HTTPS Connects in Intercept mode.
// Further optimize WinSock.cs to avoid all PtrToStructure calls
// Move SessionID assignment to after ReadRequest
Happy to help test... Downloading now...
delvinj, at 11:51 AM
Hi Eric, I'd like to record the streamming from a radio ( )but in order to do that I need to get the IP address to insert into my program that will record the mp3 file or the mov file.
Please, could you tell me if the Fiddler2 could determine such ip address???? How do I configure Fiddler for that??? I think that this radio use a technique to hide the IP address.
fcamatti, at 1:22 PM
You should probably ask your question in the Fiddler discussion group.
No, it's not possible to "hide" an IP address-- your computer must know the IP address in order to connect to the server.
In Fiddler, if you right-click on a session and view its properties, you will see the server's IP address (unless you have an upstream proxy, in which case, the upstream proxy knows the IP).
Ericlaw, at 1:30 PM
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