
Monday, November 09, 2009

Fiddler v2.2.7.5 Released

Fiddler v2.2.7.5 has been released in advance of my talk at PDC later this month. If you’re using Fiddler in an interesting way, or have another suggestion for a tip, trick, or addon that I should share with the PDC audience, please send me a note!

The biggest change vs. v2.2.4 is that the new version will run as a 64bit application when run on 64bit Windows. This enables Fiddler to run much longer before “out-of-memory” errors occur (as these are typically actually “out-of-address-space” errors). The only downside is that some custom Inspectors will not work because they are unable to load 32bit-only components (like Silverlight or Flash). To resolve such issues, you can force Fiddler to run in 32bit mode if you like.

Beyond the 64bit mode, the new version includes improvements to the default set of Inspectors, and a new HOSTS override UI (Tools > Hosts) which allows you to easily retarget requests from one server to another. Overall performance has been improved, and assorted bugs have been squashed.

As always, if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions, please send me an email using the Help > Send Feedback option in Fiddler.



Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Fiddler and VSTS2010 WebTests
With the beta2 release of Visual Studio 2010, we have made this even easier. Now to get Fiddler to capture the traffic from your web tests, you just need to do the following:
  1. Launch Fiddler
  2. Play your web test
That is it. No code to write or any extra configuration.